Het minimum bedrag die u zelf persoonlijk dient te investeren om een verkooppunt te starten (exclusief financiering)
Benodigd Eigen Vermogen
Het bedrag van de totale investering die nodig is om het verkooppunt op te starten (inclusief financiering)
Totale inverstering
Minimum €250.000
Het bedrag van de instapkosten. Dit is een éénmalig bijdrage voor het gebruik van het merk, concept know how, opleiding, opstart begeleiding, etc.
De gemiddelde verwachte omzet van een verkooppunt
Gemiddelde omzet

Informatie O'Tacos Franchise

O’Tacos Story
Originally from Lyon, M. Pelonero and Traoré’s brothers launched the concept in 2007.
O’Tacos restaurants’ portfolio increased gradually to reach almost 300 restaurants. With its innovative concept O’Tacos succeeded in diversifying the classic Fast Food landscape to become the leader on the “French Tacos” market.

Since 2018, Kharis Capital joined O’Tacos to strengthen its current operations and to support its development in France and abroad. Kharis Capital aims to make the brand grow thanks to its experience in the Fast Food sector with international players such as Burger King, Quick and Nordsee. To bring these brands together, Kharis Capital founded QSRP (Quick Service Restaurant Platform).

O’Tacos’ active customer focus aims to provide a strong guest experience
in order to build a long-lasting relationship. The customer target is focused on young and multicultural public who will benefit from a tasty, easy to eat and affordable product in a premium environment.
Our various and generous sweet and salty offer of French Tacos gives our visitors the opportunity to eat at all time of the day. Quality of the ingredients, exclusivity of the product range and strong marketing support are key contributors to the attractiveness of the brand.

We consider the unique brand positioning of O’Tacos as its key success factors:
young customer base, digital native brand, value for money offering, halal products, international standards. With more than 10 years’ experience on the market O’Tacos can provide a strong guest experience with high quality products. O’TACOS’ active customer focus aims to provide a strong guest experience in order to build a long-lasting relationship. Our value for money tacos presents more than 40 thousand combinations of tasty prepared to order products. Quality of the ingredients, exclusivity of the product range and strong marketing support are key contributors to the attractiveness of the brand.
Sector HoReCa
Sub sector Restaurant & Take Away
Locatie criteria B- and A-type locations in city centers, shopping malls and suburbs (in line / freestanding / foodcourt)


Type franchise Franchise
Franchise sinds 2013
Franchise opleiding programma Theoretical and practical training (3 weeks)


Gemiddelde omzet in € €1.000.000
Totale investering in € Minimum €250.000
Benodigd eigen vermogen in € €80.000
Instapgeld in € €30.000
Royalties en andere doorlopende bijdragen 5% royalties and 2% ad-fund
Totaal aantal vestigingen 2
Aantal Franchise vestigingen 60
Aantal buitenlandse vestigingen 300
O'Tacos is op zoek naar gemotiveerde ondernemers in Vlaanderen Lees meer
Otacos het populaire concept een echt succes als franchisenemer Lees meer

Vestigingen O'Tacos Franchise

function downloadFile() { fetch('/umbraco/surface/franchise/DownloadFiles/37687', { method: 'GET' }) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`); } return response.text(); }).then(data => { var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = data; link.download = "O'Tacos"; document.body.appendChild(link); link.click(); document.body.removeChild(link); }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error:', error); }); } function contactFranchiser(){ window.franchise.commit("wizard-selection", JSON.stringify({ ids: '37687', isConfirmation: false })); document.querySelector('[data-wizard]').classList.remove('d-none') }
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